Fit Friend Friday: The Quarantine Questions - Olga Prokazova

Like many of us here in Singapore; Olga’s first race was in Tampines back in 2017. Since then she’s dedicated herself to becoming an SGX coach and personal trainer, working with Team Endoxos to bring Spartan and fitness to the community. Olga is a complete badass (she inspires both men and women alike with her amazing strength), awesome athlete and one of the kindest people we know. When we get back to racing later in the year we know we’ll see Olga topping podiums and supporting racers around the course!

Name: Olga Prokazova (Russia)

Age: 36

IG Handle: @Olgaprozz

What is your day job?
Education Manager at Pre-school

What is your fitness background?
Since middle school I was always part of school teams in tennis, then volleyball and Basketball. Turning 20 gym completely took over and I was all about lifting heavy. Shanghai brought Thai Boxing in my life which I did quite seriously for four years and was even considering a fight in Bangladesh stadium. Beach volleyball has always been favourite hobby and weekend activity. Still a big gym rat but Singapore (and of course Team Endoxos) helped me focus my energy better and apply it to Spartan race preparation - which was the best! Focusing and working hard made it easier for me to finally become a certified PT so I can help more people to get results. 


First OCR Race?
Tampines (Singapore) 2017

How did you first get in to OCR?
Was super random - heard from a friend that it’s fun to do. Got a team of party buddies to sign up. Was pathetic but super fun. But that was just a beginning 

What keeps you coming back? 
It’s always the thrill of the new terrain and new challenges! That start line anticipation with music blasting and knowing you got those 13-21 km to go is the best! And of course finishing the race and hugging and High-Fiving with so many amazing Spartan friends (like yourselves :) - priceless!


What's your favourite cheat day snack? 
Ha that’s a tough  one as I don’t really do cheat days/snacks but always try to keep 80-20 Balnce of 20% being less healthy choices but depends on the day. Let’s say ... a good burger! No fries :)

What change have you made during COVID that you're going to keep? 
I had to find ways to get motivation to workout daily without much equipment and in the same stuffy room. I am a very sociable person and not having a gym environment took its toll. Adjusting to Kettlebell and body weight only workouts was quite hard but of course rewarding!

Have you set yourself any personal goals or challenges to replace racing currently? 
I am now Cycling more and increasing the distance - that’s always great to see the segment speed improving. The goal was simple - exercise every day, learn new exercises and routines with the new tools. It’s been working so far.


How are you staying focused on training with all current events postponed? 
I am yet to do the virtual race but it’s not the same tbh. Always keep in mind that we have to come out of this STRONGER - both mentally and physically 

What is your top tip for sticking to a schedule? 
Simply make it part of your routine in the new environment- make connections to the changes like new set up, new schedule, new tools - schedule it and never slack. It’s hard but habit is a strong thing - you know that!


Favourite item of kit and why? 
Well it’s Kettlebell now for sure. I have always been a fan but never used it as much and under estimated the amount of stuff you can do with it (was rather barbell for me before) 
New movement patterns and new muscle engagement is something I am enjoying.

Favourite nutrition product and why? 
I love protein shakes for the easiness and efficiency to refuel fast and add to my daily protein intake if I didn’t eat enough with my meals. 


Favourite fitness book / app and why? 
I have recently read Roar about Women specific training and that was an eye-opener for sure! Thanks for recommending ;) 

Do you have any words / advice for people struggling to stay motivated? 
As I said - stick to the routine and lose those excuses as there are too many during these tough times! Find workout buddy and do Zoom workouts together to motivate each other. Joining the fun challenges from Team Grit is another one.

Any sponsors, brands or people you'd like to shout out too?
Always a huge shout out to @TeamEndoxos and Ifran for being with me among my Spartan journey and being so amazing helping community always for free to improve their fitness and get on track with Race preparation. They are my family here!