food is fuel

My Plant Based Journey - Guest Blog, Willabelle Teo

Willabelle shares a common passion for OCR racing and we enjoy seeing her at races across Asia. Willabelle also gives us constant food envy with her plant-based creations. We strive to reduce our meat intake where possible for environmental reasons and with plant-based eating becoming a more popular choice we thought we’d shine a light on how this works for Willabelle as an OCR racer.


As OCR athletes we constantly battle to balance our hydration in both training and racing and if you’re racing with us in Asia we bet you’ve felt those horrible mid-race cramps! But, there is so much more to hydration than the lead up to race day and Sarah delves in to the science behind how a small imbalance can make a huge impact. This blog post is full of information and takeaways to help you truly understand your own hydration and how to optimise it.