2019 In Review

With the year drawing to the close and a new year full of adventures just around the corner, we wanted to take a little time to reflect and share with you our 2019 obstacle course racing review. There were so many things we could have focused on and so much that hasn't been covered here but we hope you enjoy reading a snippet in to our years and what we're excited about for 2020!

Races Completed  - Jessie
Spartan Stadion x 2 
Spartan Sprint x 4
Spartan Super x 2 
Spartan Beast x 1 
Spartan Ultra x 1 
RedX SMU City Games. 
National Vertical Marathon. 
Urban Attack.
Virgin Active Grid Games
Fairlands Valley 21km trail run.
TMBT - 50km

Races Completed - Sean
Spartan Stadion x 2
Spartan Sprint x 4
Spartan Super x 2
Spartan Beast x 0
Spartan Ultra x 2
Fairlands Valley 21km Trail Race x 1
Vertical Marathon x 1
RedX SMU City Games x1


Favourite Race? 
The Spartan Ultra in Sarawak. I loved the terrain, running through the rainforest hearing the orangutans and pushing myself to the limit. It fascinates me to see what you can achieve when you really set your mind to something and crossing that finish line feeling strong was an immense sense of achievement for me.

Sean: Singapore Stadion in January. Extra carry obstacles, no burpees and a 3rd place finish in the first race of 2019.

Singapore Stadion - our first race of 2019.

Singapore Stadion - our first race of 2019.

Least Favourite Race?
The Spartan Beast in Iskandar. The terrain was flat I wasn't properly recovered from the Ultra. That, combined with the lack of strength based obstacles made this race a real grit and bear it kind of race for me.

Sean: Sarawak Ultra in October. Too much running and too many burpees.

Most burpee-d obstacle? 
I've had a few hits of my spear this year so this is now a close contender between Twister, which is a mixed bag for me and the recent Olympus we've seen in Asia, that new slippery surface gets me!

Sean: Twister, the obstacle I’m most likely to make a stupid mistake on because I rush it.

Burpees are never fun but they’re particularly hard at the 49th km.

Burpees are never fun but they’re particularly hard at the 49th km.

Favourite country you raced in?
Malaysia. They always have a great team of staff and getting there from Singapore is normally pretty easy. Plus they're great at choosing new locations and the terrain is varied in each area which keeps it fun. 

Sean: England. The Super and Sprints at Marston Lodge were so much fun and so different to all the races in Asia.

Highlight of the year? 
Strengthening bonds and developing new friendships with so many of the OCR community. From chatting on Instagram, travelling to races together and team training sessions, it's been awesome to hang out with so many amazing people this year and I feel very lucky to have such a close community that supports me.

Sean: My highlight was getting to run an open wave Sprint in the UK with Jessie and a bunch of our friends and family. There’s nothing better than sharing the course with the people you love.


Best workout of the year? 
Such a tough choice and so many contenders! Two that stick in my mind are our team attempt at Murph back when Gym Rendezvous was still open or the women's workout I held at Ministry Of Fitness in December. It was amazing to meet so many inspiring ladies who just wanted to come together and get an amazing workout done. 

Sean: The 50 rep choose your own adventure. 50 reps of; Devil Press at 20% BW, Push Ups, Sit Ups, Air Squats and Ski-Erg Kcals. It sucked but was fun to see everyone attack it differently and discuss it after.

Our team attempt at Murph!

Our team attempt at Murph!

Most valuable read?
Training For The Uphill Athlete by Scott Johnston, Steve House & Killian Jornet. It was an interesting read that helped me really understand the science behind the importance of building a strong base for running.

Sean: How Bad Do You Want It? By Matt Fitzgerald. A really valuable tool to help understand and focus mindset for competitive sports. 

Most played workout song?
Torn by Neck Deep. 

Sean: My actual workout songs vary a lot. But I always listen to Kit by Dude Trips and Fading by Offended by Everything in my warm up.

What I'm most looking forward to in 2020.
So many things! I missed the SEA series this year due to prior commitments so I am really looking forward to giving it my all this year. Also, I am so excited to keep developing Team Grit. We have got some great things coming in 2020 and I can't wait to see how it continues to grow! 

Sean: Continuing to coach and promote the sport of OCR with Team Grit, as one of Singapore’s head SGX coaches and working alongside the team at Ministry of Fitness to help build the community and create the best OCR training spaces in Singapore. 

Leave us a comment below and let us know what you’re most looking forward to about 2020!
